Pop In Performers

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Archive of some previous shows click here
“If you have a talent, no matter how small use it to the full”...
Now for a brief lesson in music…B Sharp, Never B Flat, Always B Natural”
From the show "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 2024 and raised £1,000 for Mosaic"

From 6 to 106!
The Pop In Performers Group meet every Thursday night at The Village Hall 6pm until 8pm.
The groups includes adult and child performers and stages regular shows, a Summer Show, and a Christmas Show which showcases the local talent of all ages.
The group gives many creative opportunities to sing dance and to learn stagecraft, drama and artwork while producing productions.
The money from the productions goes to various charities and worthy causes that are decided upon by the Team.
If you have a worthy Cause that you would like us to consider please get in touch with us.
New members are always welcome; all adults that join will need to have a DBS check to comply with our Child Protection Policy.
So if you are interested and want to know more phone Alison Bennett 01929 472023.
Pop In Performer Award 17th September 2015…
Tonight we presented the most Improved Performer Award, after a talk to express that everyone's contribution is greatly valued especially when all the shows raise much needed funds for worthy causes.
The 2015 Most Improved Performer Award went to Aimee Rowe who has been with the group for some time, its been very rewarding to witness her blossom and see her confidence and ability improve a great deal in this time.
Well done Aimee and well done, to all our Young Performers.
7th May 2015
Very proud of my group how well they conducted themselves during a talk by Jan a Guide dog trainer tonight.
Intelligent questions were asked by many of our youngsters, who showed a real interest in the talk.
Great singing too, well done everyone.
20th September 2016
Tonight at Pop In performers we presented the shield for the most improved performer to Ella Bishop, Congratulations Ella, a great year in the group.

11th October 2017
Last night I presented the Pamela Hoare Award for most improved performer, I always really consider very carefully who will be given this Award.
This year it was presented to a young boy who has been part of the group since he was about 5 years old, during this time he has undergone various surgical procedures on his lip and face, he has been through a lot but he has always enjoyed coming along to the group and has always tried so hard over the years with his speech and singing.
In the summer we staged Way Out West and he really excelled in his role as Dusty Slim.
There is a great lesson here for us all we just need to keep going and sometimes against all the odds you can still become really great at things if you want to be.
Congratulations to Jordan Hughes the 2017 winner, well done I’m really proud of you!

The Pamela Hoare Most Improved Award…
The Pamela Hoare Most Improved Award was awarded to Mollie Mahoney.
Good work Mollie.
13th October 2018
Thank you to everyone who supported the Pop In Place last night.
Thank you to Peter Wharf for presenting our 22nd Annual Volunteering Awards and the Young Volunteer of the year.
Danielle Whetherley Volunteer of the Year, Charlotte Helen Bates and Outstanding Commitment Kim Benjafield.Others certificates of appreciation went to Elizabeth Gale for sewing up of blankets for Africa Julia Lye for leading Movement to Music classes.
Faith Francis for Choreography in shows and Ella Bishop for Long Service in Performing.
Other young people recognised were Madi Miles, Jordan Hughes, Danielle Whetherley, and Nora Bruce for joining thousands across the UK and walking for a world without dementia.
We appreciate and value all our volunteers and Thank everyone for their continued support.
Below is some video grabs,
click here to view the gallery

Pop In Place Annual Awards 2018

Pop In Performers at the Bere Fest 2019
Pop In Place Archives October 2019

Congratulations to all our wonderful Pop In Place Volunteers and thank you all for making a real difference within your own community.
We presented 14 Awards last night and paid tribute to the amazing work of Rev Alan Clarredge, Ruthie Morrall was our Volunteer of the Year and Elizabeth Gale had the Outstanding Commitment Sheild.
Lauren Botterill had the Pamela Hoare Award and Neve Packham was awarded the Shirley Gillette Star Quality Award.
Thank you to Peter Wharf and Joanna Bartlett and Rev Alan for presenting the awards.
Thank you to Gill Hart for her help.