New Bere Regis Project

This is just a quick glimpse of a new Bere Regis project...
I would love to complete, putting people ‘in the picture’ that have memories linked to old photographs in and around the village of Bere Regis.
This was a thought that was provoked whilst viewing some old pictures put on the village facebook page a little while back.
If you would like to be placed in an old photograph talking about your memories please let me know either by phone 01929 472661 before 9 pm.
The best option would be to use the secure online form below, (that way i wont forget!)
With input from a few people this could turn out to be an exciting completely different project with the idea that it could be sold on a DVD for a local worthwhile cause.
If you would like to nominate a worthwhile local cause then please contact me.
Although I propose to remake the video above, I thought it would be an idea to show you the general idea of the project.
I take none of the proceeds from any DVD made for any charity.
The project below was filmed using a green screen otherwise known as a chroma screen.
All future video will now be in wide screen format.
A big thank you to Paul and Alison Bennett for the use of old photographs and also volunteering to appear in my experiment.
Please contact me if you would be interested in helping me with this project using the secure form below.